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Dietitians and Nutritionists

Registered Dietitian Nutritionists

As Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN), you’re at the forefront of educating patients, consumers, and students about healthy eating. Incorporate MyPlate’s free, ready-made resources as a simple starting point to help people of all ages and stages of life to follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.

cook book cover and woman with glasses on laptop

Start Simple with MyPlate

Start Simple with MyPlate is at the core of helping people to eat a healthy diet at every age and stage of life. MyPlate encourages small changes that are doable, affordable, and result in lasting eating routines that promote good health.

  • Looking for resources that can be personalized? MyPlate tools can help. For example:
    • The MyPlate Quiz is a quick self-assessment tool that provides tailored resources based answers to a series of simple questions about current eating habits. The results page provides a snapshot of how the user is doing in meeting food group recommendations.
    • The user can then sync quiz results with the Start Simple with MyPlate app to set daily goals organized by food group. Each goal can be personalized to personal preference, cultural foodways, and budget needs, and includes sample tips as starter ideas. Get the most out of the app with its Scavenger Hunt Worksheet, Student Lesson Plan, and Community Lesson Plan.
  • MyPlate Kitchen serves up recipes with nutrition-focused search filters, as well as recipe videos, and other helpful resources. Users can also favorite recipes and create their own cookbooks to keep online or print at home.
  • MyPlate can be adapted to fit every budget. The Healthy Eating on a Budget section provides tips and resources for making a shopping plan, shopping smart, and preparing healthy meals to stretch food dollars while making wise decisions about what to eat.

Make Every Bite Count

RDNs play an important and direct role in helping their clients and patients understand how to “make every bite count” by choosing foods rich in nutrients.

  • Quizzes about MyPlate food groups educate about nutritious choices in each food group. You also can save time by using ready-made infographics that inspire people to enjoy nutritious foods in a variety of ways.
  • People often need help understanding how much to eat in order to make every bite count within their recommended calorie plan. Use the Food Group Gallery to educate your audience on the cup- and ounce-equivalents for a variety of foods within the food groups. Click on a food to see pictures that can be useful for educating about how much to eat and portion sizes.
  • Tip sheets and other print materials offer simple ways to make wiser choices within each food group.
  • Browse MyPlate’s video collection. You’ll find videos that share strategies for making small changes, showcase stories from real families and bring MyPlate to life in a fun way.
pho soup and lunch boxes

Make it Your Plate

While MyPlate serves as a template for balance, variety, and moderation, there is no singular or prescribed MyPlate way to eat.

  • MyPlate is adaptable for nearly all ages and stages of life. Guidance about each group is firmly rooted in the Dietary Guidelines. RDNs can save time by using MyPlate as a foundation for unique eating recommendations for everyone.
  • The MyPlate Plan gives individuals their personal calorie level and a downloadable sheet with recommended amounts to eat based on that level. As with the Dietary Guidelines, the MyPlate Plan accommodates all kinds of eating patterns, and can be customized to reflect a variety of cultural foodways. The MyPlate graphic is available in 21 languages and in a variety of colors and formats.
  • MiPlato en español: There are many MyPlate materials available in Spanish — the MyPlate Quiz, the MyPlate Plan, tip sheets and printable resources, graphics, and more than 1,000 recipes in the MyPlate Kitchen.
  • Find information about regular physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Partner with Us

We all want to help Americans eat better, and RDNs can come together with their health professional peers and others around MyPlate.

  • While the basic ideas behind MyPlate don’t change, stay up to date with our latest campaigns and resources by signing up for our email lists and following MyPlate on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
  • Don’t forget to tag MyPlate messages and posts with #StartSimplewithMyPlate, #MyPlate, or #DietaryGuidelines!
Shop Simple home screen on a phone

Shop Simple with MyPlate

Find savings in your area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods.

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Alexa Speakers and Devices

MyPlate on Alexa

Get MyPlate nutrition tips on Amazon Alexa devices or the free Alexa app.

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Start Simple app on phone and watch

Start Simple with MyPlate App

Build healthy eating habits one goal at a time! Download the Start Simple with MyPlate app today.

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MyPlate.gov is based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025